Friday, December 30, 2005
It's Friday... the Wounded Warriors at Walter Reed are waiting for us
We mess up their game plan. They hope to beat down the spirit of our wounded warriors with their little demonstrations. They say they support our troops, but how much money have they collected for them? How much aid have they sent to Fisher House?
Not one damn dime. Not one damn penny.
But they do collect money and send it to the "insurgents" who are blowing up our soldiers.
Their pals the insurgents do their work in Iraq, and Code Pink and friends take over the job on American soil.
They hope to win the hearts and minds of America's finest men and women, by saying they want increased government funding for vets - but they slip up when confronted, and they call our soldiers murderers.
So, which is it?
Are our soldiers heroes, or are they murderers?
Well, if you listen to the leftist's own words, they call our soldiers murderers.
And they don't even have the little pink balls to go up to a healthy soldier, or stand outside a military base and call our soldiers murderers.
They go to a military hospital, and taunt the soldiers least likely to kick their sorry, America-hating butts.
How much courage of conviction does that take?
We'll be there.
To call them cowards.
To tell them that their protest of the war belongs downtown, where war-making decisions are made.
To tell them that they are a disgrace to humanity by taunting wounded soldiers as they do.
To tell passers-by that Code Pink and fellow travelers fund the bombers who are filling the beds at Walter Reed.
To tell them that in America's most liberal city, they can't even get a crowd to join them, because even most liberals have consciences and know that taunting our wounded soldiers is disgusting, and they will have no part of it.
We'll also be there to say a very hearty, "Thank You!" to the wounded soldiers, their families and friends, and the medical personnel who are helping them to heal.
We remember Vietnam and how our vets from that war were treated, and we say, "Not this time! Not on our watch!"
Come join us!
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Cindy Sheehan Announces Winter Dates for "CindyPalooza" Tour !!
Latest dates on the CindyPalooza Tour include:
Washington, DC on January 31, 2006 - to protest the State of The Union speech.
Houston, TX on February 20, 2006 - to protest the President's mother, Barbara Bush.
Does it matter to Cindy that Barbara Bush knows very well what it's like to lose a child? Robin Bush was only three years old when she died from leukemia. After Robin's tragic death, rather than resorting to psychotically stalking the doctors who cared for the terminally ill little girl, Barbara Bush grieved the loss of Robin, but she also turned her focus back to her surviving children.
Barbara Bush also lends her name, and gives her time, to productive charitable causes, including her service as Americares ambassador-at-large; a board member on the Mayo Clinic Foundation; and supports various other effective charitable organizations, including the Leukemia Society of America, the Ronald McDonald House, and the Boys & Girls Club of America.
She also helped develop the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, in 1989. This foundation supports and encourages the development of family literacy programs, to help break the intergenerational cycle of illiteracy.
Barbara Bush is involved, with her family as well as with productive charitable causes.
And Cindy Sheehan stalks Barbara Bush and her son, our President.
April 4, 2006 - the first annual Camp Casey Peace Foundation Peace Festival and Concert, location TBD
Cindy says, on her blog that the foundation, "will be awarding the Casey Sheehan Peace Prize, a cash prize, to a young peace activist every year. We want to foster the growth of solving problems non-violently..." hmmm, maybe Malachy Kilbride can win that prize, for trying to solve problems non-violently? Nah, there's a problem with that pesky "non-violent" part.
Crawford, TX, April 11 through at least April 16, 2006 - Celebrate Easter in a Ditch with the woman who the radical left in America has adopted as the "Mother" of their movement.
Here's another comment from Cindy's blog:
Like Michael Moore, I want to be a fly on the wall when Bush and company are hauled out of the White House in handcuffs. Impeachment is not necessary for people who never were elected - eviction is what is needed.
So what is she saying? Is she encouraging the radicals in America to do something decidedly not non-violent?
Maybe Homeland Security should be watching her and her little peace-rioter friends?
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Landry tagged me...
1. I have saved spent brass for more than 10 years, with the plan to, "one day" when I have more time, become a reloader. I'm running out of places to put the stuff, but "one day" I'll get around to it.
2. I don't want to "dialogue" with so-called peace protesters. The vast majority of them are commie-leftist-idiots. And they aren't at all interested in "dialogue." They want you to be quiet and listen to them tell you all that is wrong about this country. If it's so damn bad, then why don't they make use of the empty rafts on our southeastern shores, that newly free Cuban refugees will gladly give them, and paddle their way to a socialist's paradise?
3. Procrastination is my middle name. I work better when under pressure, it seems.
4. I do my own gardening and yard work. No illegal aliens on my payroll.
5. Back in the olden days, I threw out chain mail. Now today, I may be answering Landry's tag, but I won't pass it on... because I procrastinated for so long that there's nobody left to pass it on to.
Happy New Year, everyone! (except for Malachy Kilbride and the other idiot lefties reading this - I hope that 2006 is the most unpleasant and unprofitable year they have ever seen)
Q: How Do You Know if Your Activism is Effective?
A: If you have a stalker.
Name: Malachy Kilbride
Affiliations: Spokesman for The Monkey Pants Collective*, DAWN-DC, Code Pink, Peace Action, Free Socialist International*...
*appears only to be one-person operations that this violent, woman-hating POS made up in his tiny little mind.
Malachy seems to have taken a psychotic interest in me personally after I videotaped a "protest" that he and his America-hating leftist friends had planned at the Silver Spring, MD Armed Forces Recruiting Center.
You see, leftists feel that they have every right to videotape, in the name of "Independent Media" anything they feel is newsworthy - but let someone else do the same thing? No way, according to Malachy and his "non-violent" friends.
Almost as soon as I started (silently) taping that day, the lefties started going berserk. They started asking me who I was, was I a good person or a bad person; and when I didn't answer their questions, they started shoving their signs in front of my camera, their menfolk came up to me and bodily blocked my camera, and some goofball woman charged into the camera to bare her teeth. Don't ask me - I just film these idiots. I don't try to psychoanalyze them.
Anyway, after I managed to get away from the tall, mangy, spitting lefty man, I walked down to the end of the block where the younger lefties were gathered together holding "books not bombs" and "peace now" signs - when out of the blue Malachy Kilbride came prancing right up to my camera with his limp little posterboard sign in hand, and he began slamming his sign into my camera and me and ranting about Alberto Gonzalez.
Great work, Malachy. Attack a short, chubby middle-aged woman - ON CAMERA! Montgomery County, Maryland doesn't take too kindly to men who violently assault women.
And I'll bet that your boss has a rule about using your computer - during business hours - to stalk the woman you assaulted a month ago; especially considering who your boss is. And there is no way to scrub your tracks from the boss's computers. Too late, anyway, little boy. You've been caught red-handed. Fitting for a commie, isn't it?
Folks, it's not too difficult to find out who I am, as Malachy Kilbride was able to do it (with the help of a NAZI Socialist nutcase I pissed off a bunch of years ago, during my days as a gun-rights activist). I've been very active in the gun rights community for years, and have been quoted in many news articles in that regard. I've helped some very good RKBA groups in Maryland to raise public awareness of the societal benefits of firearms ownership, helped to elect public officials who respect the Second Amendment, and have encouraged many women to learn how to safely handle (and own) firearms for self protection and for sport.
I semi-retired, in a manner of speaking, from RKBA activism after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, because my energies were needed in the fight against terrorism and those who support the terrorists, in the US. Since 2001, I've been involved with a group of good folks in DC and beyond, in exposing the enemies on our shores.
And that's why Malachy Kilbride, Jim MacDonald, Eric Anderson, Gael Murphy, Medea Benjamin, Allison Yorra, Mara VerHeyden-Hilliard, Brian Becker, Victor/Victoria and all the other leftists that come to DC for their peace riots hate me, and my friends in the DC Chapter of Free Republic, so much.
Am I worried about Malachy Kilbride and the others "coming after me?" Not really. They have left too many tracks that would lead right back to them, if anything happened to me. And my family would end up very rich.
Landry Fan, I will answer your challenge next...
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Make no mistake about it, folks - we are under attack, on our soil, once again. And this attack has been ongoing for many years; it's just that now the enemies have ratcheted up their noise. Today's MSM (Main Stream Media) is a willing enabler of these traitors.
What? You think the word "traitor" is a harsh word? What do you think they are?
Code Pink: On March 15, 2005, Code Pink joined forces in Washington, DC with several other groups (I'll highlight them in future entries) in a gruesome display of their hatred of America and her military.
They brought their loud and profane group to the courtyard outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where dozens of gravely wounded servicemen and women are trying to heal. And what signs and props did they bring with them, you ask?
They dressed in black outfits, and carried black wreaths, signs, black flowers and black cardboard coffins.
Of course, the MSM was happy to cover this disgusting display.
The procession had begun the day before at Dover, Delaware - outside the Dover AFB, where the remains of servicemembers killed in action are brought in the first leg of their final journey home.
These leftists hold nothing but contempt for our servicemembers who have given so much (some gave all) to protect the rights of all of us, including those Americans who hate America.
If you have the stomach to talk to some of these people, you will "learn" that September 11th was a government plot for world domination and desctruction of civil liberties here in the US. You will also "learn" that the government of Israel put us up to this dastardly plan. For a bunch of leftists - who spout off incessantly about peace and tolerance and inclusion - they sure are a bunch of anti-semitic, race-baiting, murderer-loving (Mao, Che, Fidel, Kim Jong Il, Saddam, Arafat, PLO, Mumia Abu Jamal, etc) liars.
Now, some DC Code Pink members have vociferously, vehemently, and vigorously denied that they ever brought coffins to any of their protests at Walter Reed. But these photos are proof, yet again, that they are not only traitors, but liars as well.
And just in case Code Pink thinks they can get away with denying any official involvement with this event, you can check the sponsor list at the bottom of the documents at these links:
(Note: you may want to save the pages - they have a funny way of "disappearing" once they are exposed to large viewership)!.33;read=5273
"Sponsored by: American Friends Service Committee, Baltimore Pledge of Resistance, Brandywine Peace Community, Code Pink, Iraq Pledge of Resistance, Military FamiliesSpeak Out, 9/11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, Pacem in Terris, Pax Christi USA, Peace Action, The Shalom Center, Student Peace Action Network, United for Peace and Justice, Veterans For Peace (Kevin McCarron's group), Vietnam Veterans Against the War (John Kerry's anti-war alma mater), War Resisters League, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom"
Not only are they traitors; they are media whore traitors.
I wonder when our government will begin going after groups that give material aid and financial comfort to the enemy?
And that will be in the next post...
Does Code Pink really love our military?
Take a look at the photo on the right. Does that look like a supportive sign? Only in the sick and hate-filled mind of one of Code Pink's supporters.
When a conservative journalist wrote a report on Code Pink's disgusting display at WRAMC, the DC spokesgrrrrrl for Code Pink, Gael Murphy said that those signs were not hers. She suggested that right-wing infiltrators brought and held those signs, just to make her candlelight vigils look bad.
And the only problem with that lie, is that the people who I photographed holding those signs in June and July, 2005 are still participants in the Code Pink demonstrations at WRAMC.
One of the people that Murphy inadvertantly called an infiltrator is Kevin McCarron, a leading name in another anti-America group, "Veterans for Peace" (I think Kevin fancies himself a modern-day John Kerry). McCarron has participated in many of the WRAMC protests, carrying numerous offensive signs, including one bearing the message, "Maimed for a Lie."
The first appearance of that sign was documented by me and other members of the DC Chapter of Free Republic on June 10, 2005, being held by an angry white female; but it quickly became a favorite of McCarron...
The poor man caught in this June 17, 2005 photo alongside McCarron was so disturbed by his sign that he rushed across the street as soon as the traffic signal changed. Many passers-by were equally disturbed by Code Pink's disgusting signs.
As I mentioned, Kevin McCarron still participates in the protests at the hospital, but Gael Murphy must have confiscated those two offensive signs, because we haven't seen them since August.
Most recently, Code Pink has added a song and dance man to their menagerie...
History: Code Pink (and other leftist groups) first began their obscene displays at Walter Reed in March of 2004, when they participated in a gruesome procession from Dover, Delaware (where our soldier heroes killed in action are brought first, in their final journey home) to Walter Reed (where many of our most seriously wounded heroes are brought for medical treatment).
On March 15, 2004, Code Pink, DAWN (DC Anti-War Network) and other hate-America groups gathered on Georgia Avenue outside Walter Reed with black wreaths, coffins and offensive signs, and began their homefront assault our wounded servicemen and women and their families.
And that's what I will write about in my next post.
Stay tuned...