Update on this story, that I told you all about a couple of weeks ago:
"Pity the vigil isn’t a protest. Also a pity that I always have a few tools with me. I asked Kevin to take it down, though - him being a veteran, it seemed he had more of a right to. But just for the record, yes, the sharps came from me. "
Funny how Weasel tries to rewrite the facts. They repeatedly denied knowledge of the sign to the police officer (let alone their theft of same) until they realized that their stunt was caught on Candid Camera.
(Thanks to blogger The Gunn Nutt for this great photo.)
At left (with back to camera), I'm showing the video to the MPDC officer. Facing the camera with unhappy looks on their faces are "Large Marge" of Code PinkO and Kevin McCarron. At right is the proud Marine dad who placed the sign on the WRAMC fence.
And finally, Weasel ends his report with this:
"Right up until the music started on our side, then they got very noisy, with a boom box playing a country song I don’t recognize. Of course, as soon as I took down the camera, they acted like themselves again. "
So what was the country song we played that li'l ol' Weez said he didn't recognize?
This one. And we didn't just play the song, we sang along, with great gusto.
Of course, Weasel and his fellow travelers with Code Pink, DAWN-DC and Veterans for Peace wouldn't recognize it; it's a song that praises this country and its people.
They prefer to stand outside a military hospital and taunt our most seriously wounded American heroes by singing "Knockin' on Heaven's Door." Yes, you read that right. The so-called antiwar protesters outside the gates of Walter Reed are waging a despicable psychological war on our wounded soldiers. They don't give a rat's arse about peace.
Now comes my sales pitch:
If you are in the DC area, please join us. Skip the movie or the night at home in front of the TV. The fresh air will do you good. Help us defend our defenders from the Code Pink parasites of freedom.
We begin our patriotic demostration of support and appreciation of our soldiers and their families at 6:30pm every Friday night, on the east side of Georgia Avenue - at Elder Street, NW.
Thank you. That is all.
For now.