Cindy Sheehan (L) shouts with other anti-war activists during a protest inside the Hart Senate office building in Washington
January 4, 2007.

Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan gestures with a large banner in the background during a protest inside the Hart Senate office building in Washington January 4, 2007.

Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan looks at a large banner during a protest inside the Hart Senate office building in Washington
January 4, 2007.

Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan (R) looks back as a Capitiol Police officer shows her a way to the exit after a protest inside the Hart Senate office building in Washington January 4, 2007.

Cindy Sheehan (R) with another anti-war activist leave as they were escorted by the Capitiol Police officer after a protest inside the Hart Senate office building in Washington January 4, 2007.
Where in the Hell were the US Capitol Police officers while these Moonbats were scurrying through the Hart Building and setting up their banners to drop over balconies?
Setting up for the banner drops and the follow-up goofy-grin photos had to take a fair amount of time. Can any Cindy, Medea or Gael wander freely through a Federal building carrying a backpack stuffed to overflowing with whatever they care to bring into the building, and have all the time they need to set up their media stunt, without the US Capitol Police even raising an eyebrow?
This is the second time that Medea and Company have pulled this stunt; and I can't count the number of times that this crowd has been allowed into hearings, press conferences, speeches and other events on US Capitol Police "protected" areas, only to disrupt and cause a public disturbance.
By now, the US Capitol Police Department should know these characters on sight.
Why are they allowed entry into secure areas?
Consider this, if Cindy and crowd can wander freely through the Hart Senate Building - taking the time to do whatever they want, without a Capitol cop taking notice - how long until Ahmed, Mustafa and Barack (no, not Obama) try the same thing? Only they won't be dropping a banner into the lobby.